International & National Collaborations




Australia Children of Parents with a Mental Illness (COPMI) national initiative Website:
Email: [email protected]
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Finland The Effective Child & Family Programme (EC&F) was launched in 2001 to create services to meet the needs of children and families, as mandated by national legislation. The EC&F Programme was initiated by STAKES (now the National Institute for Health and Welfare) and the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, under the leadership or Dr. Tytti Solantaus.

View team photo and book covers
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Netherlands The Dutch preventive program for children of mentally ill and substance abusing parents was developed by the Trimbos instituut (Trimbos Institute), Netherlands Institute of Mental Health and Addiction. Website:
Email: [email protected]
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Norway Adults for Children (Voksne for Barn) has been working since 1960 to promote the well-being of children with a particular focus on mental health. Voksne for Barn is the only organization with this particular focus in Norway. Website:
Email: [email protected]
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The Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare has supported: (1) the implementation and training of the Family Talk (“Beardslees familjeintervention”) and Finland’s Let’s Talk (“Föra barnen på tal”) interventions within Sweden; and (2) the development of a website ( that aims to provide information to professionals about activities in Sweden concerning children of parents with mental illness. Descriptions, materials and trainers of these interventions can be found on the website. Website:
Email: [email protected]
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USA Chicago
The Family Talk Preventive Intervention program is a pilot project between the Chicago Department of Public Health, Community Mental Health Council, Inc., and Children’s Hospital Boston/Judge Baker Children’s Center.
More information about Chicago team, pilot agencies and 2011 presentation
Email: [email protected]
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The Family Talk-Colombia collaboration is based out of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Cali, Colombia. The partnership began in 2010 and is ongoing. The Colombian team is adapting Family Talk for use with their population and they have enrolled 10 families to receive the intervention. Goals for the program involve research publications and integration of Family Talk into the Colombian health care system. View and print pdf
Costa Rica
More information forthcoming
Last modified: Tuesday, May 16, 2023, 4:21 PM