Getting Started Getting Help
If you experience technical problems please email us at [email protected]

Getting Started

Allowing Cookies to View Modules and Print Certificates
For Family Talk modules and certificate printing to work properly, your browser must allow cookies from fampod.org. If you are having trouble submitting, please set your browser to enable cookies from
Below are links to instructions on how to manage cookies for common browsers:

Safari | Internet Explorer | Chrome | Firefox

What technology do I need to participate?

You will need internet access and a web browser. We recommend the following settings: a 1024 x 768 screen resolution and one of the following browsers:

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How much does it cost to take a course?
At this time, all FAMpod.org courses are FREE. An announcement will be made if and when this information changes.
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How do I create a new account?
You only need one username and password to gain access to available courses on FAMpod.org

PART 1: Entering your information
On the right side of the homepage, click on "Create new account"
Enter a Username and Password you can remember easily. Write down this information for future reference. Under More details enter your email address twice, your First name and Last name, the City and Country you live in. These details will appear in your profile so others can network with you in the courses.
Read the reCAPTCHA image below and type the letters in order that you see in the image to confirm this form of information is being filled out by a person.

PART 2: Go to your email and confirm the account
After about 5 minutes you should receive an email in the account you registered your information under. In your email box you should see and email from [email protected] with "FAMpod Admin" in subject line.

* If you do not see the email check your JUNK mail box. Add our email [email protected] to your safe list of email addresses to avoid future blocks to our emails to you. Usually this can be found under your email account preferences settings related to spam or blocking. Make any changes as needed to allow our emails to reach your inbox. If you need additional help email us at [email protected].
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How do I register for a course?
You must first create an account in order to register for a course. Once you have an account you can register for any available course by searching topics of interest. Enroll using your account information for the selected course.
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How do I login?
Once you have created an account and have received an email with a URL link to confirm, you will be able to use your chosen username and password to login. The login box can be found on the right side of the Learning Center homepage or inside each of the courses you wish to enroll in. Please enter your username and password, then press login. (Cookies must be enabled in your browser) If you experience technical problems please email us at [email protected].
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How do I create or edit my profile?
Locate your name in the upper right hand of the screen. Click on your name to open your profile. Select the tab "Edit profile" to make changes. If you wish to add a picture, use a JPG or PNG format that is under 6MB in size. Once you upload the picture will be resized to 100 x 100 pixel square. Press "Update profile" at the bottom of the Edit profile page to save any changes.
When you go back to your profile, if you don't see the changes yet click press the reload/refresh button in your browser.
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How do I search for participants?
Locate the "Participants" link in the upper left hand corner of your screen. Click on this link and you will see all of the participants who are actively logged into the course.
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Getting Help

Lost or forgotten username and password to login.
On the right side of the homepage in the login area, click on "Lost password"
Please enter EITHER your username or your registered email address in the appropriate box. There is no need to enter both. Press OK. If you supplied a correct username or email address then an email should have been sent to you from "FAMpod Admin" from the email address [email protected]. It contains easy instructions to confirm and complete this password change. If you continue to have difficulty, please email us at [email protected].

Step 1: Click on "Lost password"
Step 2: Enter your email address you registered your account with
Step 3: Check your email
Step 4: Click on link provided to your email to confirm lost password request
Step 5: Check your email again for the temporary password we give you to access your account
Step 6: Login using your username and temporary password
Step 7: Change your password
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How do I subscribe to or unsubscribe from a discussion forum?
If you are enrolled in a course you may post to the discussion forum in that course. If you wish to receive emails showing all posts to a particular forum you may do so by completing the following subscription steps:

Step 1: Navigate to the Discussion Forum you wish to subscribe to
Step 2: In the upper right hand corner of the screen choose "Subscribe to this forum"
If you wish to unsubscribe choose "Unsubscribe to this forum"
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How do I hide my email address from other course participants?
In the course, under the heading "People," click on "Participants." Select "Edit profile" and change two settings.

1. Email display to "Hide my email address from everyone"
Email activated to "Email address is disabled"

To save your changed scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on "Update profile."
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How do I un-enroll from a course?
If you wish to un-enroll from any course, send an email to [email protected] with the name of the course you wish to be un-enrolled.
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Last modified: Monday, May 15, 2023, 8:43 PM